Do NSAIDs Help Relieve Vertigo?

Yesterday I was at work and started to get a little dizzy around 10am. Ignored it, hoping it would go away. Not. By Noon I was bouncing off the walls, literally.

Then I remembered that a couple weeks ago I took some ibuprofen for some back pain, and the very minor dizziness that I had that day disappeared. Well, maybe it would help again. So I took an ibuprofen, and the major dizziness I was experiencing got better. It didn’t go away, but it was reduced enough so that I could drive home. When I got home I did the Epley Maneuver, and the dizziness was reduced even more.

So I’d like to know . . . have you ever experienced a reduction in Vertigo by taking ibuprofen or other NSAIDs?

Posted under Treatment

This post was written by Dan Ferry on November 30, 2010

22 Comments so far

  1. Sonia March 14, 2011 4:24 pm

    Yes! The only medication that stops or diminish the vertigo symptoms for me is ibuprofen! My vertigo started in 2002 and i ws stuck in my apartment for 2 months because of it. With years, it seems to happen less often and last less. I don’t know what i would do without ibuprofen…

  2. Sonia March 14, 2011 4:26 pm

    I found that osteopathy and physiotherapy treatments on my neck and head have also been very helpful, as well as the epley maneuver.

  3. Maria July 19, 2013 5:18 pm

    I have recently been getting vertigo and this week it was particularly bad where I couldn’t even go to work as I could not walk without holding on to a wall! I took ibuprofen one day to help with a headache, and my dizziness subsided for most of the day. The next day I thought I would try it an again, my vertigo disappeared for about 6 hours, so I took more and it went away. It is definitely the only thing working for me right now, its fantastic!

  4. Mary March 4, 2014 12:48 am

    Well I guess that makes 3 of us. I cannot find a likely explanation for why it works, or even much concurrence, but ibuprofen has kept my mild dizziness at bay for several months. It has worked time after time, plus twice for more severe, acute occurrences. I’m thankful, for sure!!

  5. Lars Thomsen April 18, 2014 5:29 am

    Ibuprofen helps against dizziness.

    My wife of 79 has days when she suffers from dizziness. It can affect the balance, but mostly she feels just really uncomfortable. Medical inspection has revealed no cause. She guess that it comes from a head concussion from a fall on stairs when she was young. The dizziness begins most often from early morning and keeps day out. This past season, she has taken Ibuprofen 200 mg once or twice a day and it helps.

    Ibuprofen may possibly be used as a diagnostics as it does not remedy all kinds of dizziness. Hope some doctor pays attention.

  6. admin April 18, 2014 6:28 am


    Have you examined your wife’s diet to see if any allergens (soy, dairy, nuts, etc.) could be contributing to her vertigo?

    Also, the vertigo starting in the morning might indicate that one of her medications (if she has any) is causing the vertigo — taking the medication every day at the same time . . .

    I’m definitely not advocating stopping her medication, but it might be worthwhile talking with a doctor about alternate medication that might cause less problem.

  7. Marg April 19, 2014 11:54 pm

    I too have found that ibuprofin lessens or ends my vertigo episodes. I’m a 37 year old mother of 2 young children and have been experiencing frequent vertigo or dizzy spells since I was about 29. Nothing I’ve been given has helped, but just by accident and putting 2 and 2 together over the last few years I have figured out that in most cases ibuprofin takes away or lessons my vertigo spells. Very weird. Just googled to see if I found anything on this and this site popped up. Glad to know it’s not just me!

  8. Lars Thomsen April 20, 2014 3:04 am

    Thanks to admin for the comment.

    My wife is slim (58 kg), sporty and takes no medications except lately Ibuprofen now and then.

    Osteoarthritis in hands is treated with Ibuprofen cream topical when it gets bad. Ibuprofen tablets are used in rare cases and it is thus the parallel effect on dizziness was observed.

    We are aware of all activities and events as possible causes of dizziness and will expand awareness to include the diet.

    We’ve talked about trying other NSAIDs as well to gain a better understanding.

  9. Roger Davies August 20, 2014 10:30 pm

    Hi, I am a medical practitioner and have suffered dizziness on and off for years. The only thing that reliably relieves it when it is bad is ibuprofen. I have also, like some other, had a lot of relief from osteopathic treatment and pilates, and allergy treatment. I can’t really think of why ibuprofen would work, but it definitely does!

  10. Dawnyel November 12, 2014 1:53 pm

    I am so happy that I am not crazy. I have suffered from dizziness with no answers for the last 8 years. I have 3 boys who keep me busy and at one point when the dizziness first appeared I thought I was dying and no one could figure out why, mris cat scans, exploratory surgery of my inner ear, wisdom teeth removal, etc. Countless doctors and no answers, the only thing they could all agree on is that I have pressure in my ears. The chiropractor is the only one who has been able to give me some what of a normal life. I have triggers like loud noises, or being sick, doing too much in a day, running or trying to exercise. After 8 years I just found out in the last few days that IB Profin is helping. Not 100% but I am at least able to some what function. My ears drain, and feel full, they ring and the hearing can come and go when they feel full. I am having a hard time accepting this as my life because I used to be so active and always on the go and motivated. I understand with everything in me what you all go through. Prayers for all of us!

  11. Tosha December 18, 2014 4:46 am

    Meclizine or Ibuprofen works for me. I have vertigo and my symptoms always start when I first awaken in the mornings with dizziness, head spending,and can’t look up.

  12. Mary January 13, 2015 11:23 pm

    I commented above last March. Another acute attack – a small popping sensation in the back of my head followed immediately by vertigo – sent me to the ER where a CAT scan found nothing (“junk” in my sinuses). I see a neurologist next month. I also had an MRI a couple of months after my first acute episode with negative results (thankfully). The ER visit added Meclizine which I take as needed. It does help, but ibuprofen continues to be my mainstay. I’ve taken it nearly daily for over a year & 1/2 now.

  13. richard January 22, 2016 1:50 pm

    I believe there is an answer for some of the people on this site. A few of you need to be tested for Semi-circular Canal Dehiscence. It was discovered at Johns Hopkins just a few years ago. Testing is done by a VEMP test and a very specific cat scan. Look in your area for a Otology Neurotology physician. They are Otlarangologists with many additional years of training for ballance and ear problems.
    DO NOT LET YOUR LOCAL ENT OPERATE if you find SCD is the problem.
    There is a semi circular canal dehiscence web site forum.
    The number one expert for the problem is a Dr Gianoli in Covington La. His web site is ear and ballance Institute.
    Many people have had this there entire life and now there is an answer.
    Hope this is helpful.

  14. Dede January 1, 2017 1:10 pm

    I have suffered from vertigo since my early 20’s when I had a head injury and was dizzy for several months. After what seemed like an eternity it finally subsided and went away. In my thirties I had the flu really bad and then the dizziness started to come back. It only happened once or twice a year and then maybe once a year. I started reading about gluten intolerance a couple years ago because I was in constant pain and my doctor could only tell me it was an unknown form of inflammation however after I started a low sugar and gluten free diet the inflammation dissapeared and the vertigo episodes and side effects reduced significantly. This year around the holidays I found myself indulging in sweets and glutenful foods and bam….the inflammation is back and 2 episodes of vertigo in a row. So no more sugar no more gluten and we will see how it goes. I have discovered however that taking ibuprofen has eased the symptoms of the vertigo which I can only guess reduces the inflammation in my middle ear. Antihistamines only help a little mainly by making me drowsy and somewhat relieved of the naseau associated with the vertigo.

  15. justine borstel January 12, 2017 7:14 pm

    Omg I ate 3 donuts yesterday and I have the worst case of vertigo today I just took 4 200 mg Aleve. I’m scared to move

  16. Dan Ferry January 13, 2017 8:53 am

    You need to isolate what foods cause your vertigo. Soy and dairy cause my vertigo.

  17. Joy D January 23, 2017 9:50 am

    It can be migraine or vestibular migraine.
    We each have a threshold and many things trigger it and push you over that threshold.

    anti inflammatory and it can help calm it. I have heard ibuprofen works best.

    Foods: chocolate, aged cheeses, citrus fruit and many others.
    Weather:barometric pressure. Sinus pressure can actually be migraine.

  18. Bonn L. July 5, 2017 2:52 pm

    Holy crud!!!

    I just turned 30 and have been occasionally suffering from mild to medium lonngggg term episodes for about 6 months now. It’s been scaring the heck out of me.

    AND… I too – discovered ibuprofen solves my vertigo. And like most everyone in here, I just noticed it randomly by needing to help with some back pain. Bam. 20 minutes. Vertigo gone.

    So I just googled it to make sure I was making an actual connection. — looks like I’m not alone. Definitely taking 1 200mg tablet every time I feel it coming from now on (im 215 pounds).

    Rock on self doctors!!! Haha

  19. Vanessa July 30, 2017 10:52 pm

    I to have been suffering from vertigo for the pst 8 months along with hearing loss in my left ear . Many doctor visits later ER trips .. being told it’s just anxiety by a few doctors I too took Motrin for back pain and I found this medicine to help me get my life back .

  20. Scott H January 24, 2018 8:22 pm

    Ditto. I can’t believe it. I have been having dizzy spells that come and go. I noticed that Tylenol helped a little and then I though I would try Motrin / ibuprofen and it worked. My dizziness went away. I’m also doing the “Brandt-Daroff Exercise” to see if that helps.


  21. Joanne J January 16, 2019 12:54 pm

    Same here with the Tylenol getting rid of Vertigo! My doctor is clueless. I’m 63 and have had a couple of concussions over the past few years, plus I have arthritis. No idea if that contributes to the Vertigo, but amazed to see that nsaids work for so many other people to make it go away!!

  22. Christine January 19, 2019 7:05 pm

    Hi all! I’ve been suffering from post concussion syndrome the past 2 months and ended up in the ER 5 times with vertigo and bad panic attacks before an eye specialist actually diagnosed me. I take .25 mg of Ativan several times a day to help control the panic/vertigo, but I have constant headaches/head pressure. I know I can mix ibuprofen with Ativan, but I guess I’m scared the ibuprofen will make the dizziness worse even though everyone else is saying the opposite. 🙁

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